About me!

Hi, I’m Zuleika! I am an artist with a focus on social engagement and esoterica, a poet and a podcaster. As of now, I am also an Associate Lecturer on the Applied Imagination course at Central St Martins. 

I can’t really say what my teaching methodologies or practice is like because I have not taught in a formal academic setting yet, although like many artists I have conducted workshops and talks in more informal ways. However, writing this has encouraged me to think about the qualities I found inspiring in the teachers and lecturers I have had throughout my life that I in turn would like to bring to my students.  Traits such as kindness, empathy, a sense of humour, being forthright, humility, patience and the ability to galvanise students into action. 

My aim in taking this course is to learn. Although I know a lot about the qualities I admired in some of the people that educated me I have to admit I don’t know that much about pedagogical methodologies beyond emulating the ways which I was taught which weren’t always helpful. So, I am here to learn multiple ways of teaching so that I can tailor my approach to my students and hopefully empower them with the tools and knowledge they will need in the future. While also making it fun!

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