Procrastination at UAL

A couple of my participants who studied at UAL mentioned that on the first day of their course their tutors showed them this video. Following Neil’s suggestion that I contact Academic Support services to see how I can collaborate with them for this project, I decided to investigate their website to see what support (if any) is already available for procrastinators.

A search on the Academic Support website revealed no results for workshops, tutorials, help sheets etc on procrastination. However, there are plenty of resources about time management, which leads me to wonder if tutors have deliberately decided to provide support for procrastinating students under other names, to circumvent the negative associations people have with the word ‘procrastination’. It is also likely that help for procrastinating students exists in the form of personal tutorials, and therefore that information would not be available on the site. For me, this is further evidence that procrastination is considered shameful and a personal failing, rather than the result of circumstances and a need for executive function development.

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