SIP Interim Presentation

Before the SIP presentations on the 21st, I met with some colleagues on the PGCERT to practice. Their feedback was largely positive, although they mentioned that I did not have much in the slides about the research I had done, such as who my participants are, data analysis of interviews etc. At this point, I haven’t done much analysis on the interviews beyond listening back to them and editing the transcripts. I am concerned that if I add more into the presentation as it stands, it will be too long and I will be rushing. Another piece of feedback I got was that I hadn’t included many references in my presentation, and to add more quotes from authors I have been reading to show that I have been conducting secondary research. I will think about adding a bibliography page. Again my concern is that all of these slides will make the presentation too long. I will need to consider how I can share the totality of this research in 10 minutes – super easy, barely an inconvenience!

SIP Interin Presentation

I received the following feedback on my presentation from my tutor Neil and my tutor group:

  • The original title of the project Can Building Explicit Strategy Instruction into Curricula Assist Students with Managing Executive Function and Procrastination Behaviours? is very long. Possibly too long.
  • Including the key terms slide is a good idea because it gives the audience a visual representation of my terminology and I don’t have to waste time reading definitions.
  • The elephant in the room: how can I move forward with this project in a meaningful way?
  • How can I apply this research to practically help students and staff? Neil suggested that contacting Academic Support would be a good way to do this.
  • The slide with the questions need to be broken up and my methodology on the questions need to be explained.
  • I need to add more slides about my methodologies and how I have analysed the data.
  • Add a conclusion slide!

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